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Announcing a New Class

One Day Frame Weight Class

Have you ever wanted to make your own frame weight? A frame weight (like the ones shown above) help you hold down your canvas when you are stitching at a table. We thought it would be fun to have you make your own.

This class is for the beginning Intermediate stitcher...someone who is learning or wants to learn decorative stitches and try out new types of needlepoint fibers.

Taught by Mary Ellen Winnicki, this 2 hour class will be limited to 6 students. The cost is $180 and includes canvas, threads, stitch guide and instruction. In addition you will receive a coupon worth 10% off the finishing cost for the frame weight.

The class schedule will be determined by the students who sign up. We anticipate holding this class in October or early November. If we get more than six students we will hold a second class!

Call us at 914-834-1886 or email us at to reserve a spot!

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