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Mary Ellen Winnicki's Niece

One of our treasured employees, Mary Ellen Winnicki has a niece who was impacted by the flooding in Louisiana. A lot of you have asked how you can help?

We are putting a jar on our counter and if you would like to make a donation to help Mary Ellen's niece, you can make a check out to: Alison Aaron.

You can read Mary Ellen's words below:

"My niece Alison Aaron, husband Adam and 2 children Tristen 6, and Cecila 2 live in Baker, Louisiana. Their house was under 2 1/2 feet of water, because they were not in a flood plain the bank did not require them to have flood insurance with their escrow. They have lost all of their appliances, heating, air conditioning, hot water heater, wood flooring, furniture and walls. Right now they are living with Alison's mother, my sister in law. They have all of the walls gutted in the house, waiting for the beams to dry out and the building inspector to say if they have to replace beams. They were able to salvage some clothing , but they had a ranch style house and did not have a second floor."

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