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Our August Stitcher of the Month is.....

Susan Duncan

Stop by the store during August to see Susan's needlepoint!

"Needlepoint is my passion. Since my aunt first taught me to stitch when I was 12, I have loved the feel of canvas and threads in my hands. I enjoy selecting the threads, embellishments and stitches to make a project come alive. My last little Halloween project (I am working my way through Kathy Schenkel's Halloween people) even included star-shaped Swarovski crystals!

Over the years I have started more projects than I finish, but to me it's more about the process than the project.

I am just thrilled to be the stitcher of the month for August, 2016. I was so excited when I rounded up my projects and brought them into the shop. It was like getting all your best girlfriends together in one place for a great party. I hope you enjoy looking at them and get some inspiration from them.

Happy Stitching!

Susan Duncan"

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